2019 NLC Registration Preorder

Pre-order your photo package at REGISTRATION to save!

These discounted offers are only available at the time of NLC registration.
You can also order your photo package at the event at full price.

2019 National Lacrosse Week 

Enduro Photo is a proud partner of National Lacrosse Week. Our award winning team of professioanl photographers will be photographing top-notch game action images throughout the event, as well as all team photos on the field in full NLC gear, and a full service professional portrait set in the NLC tent villiage. 


Premier Photo Package $99.99

- Team photo download
- Individual Portrait session + 3 downloads
- Game Action +5 downloads 


Action Photo Package $49.99

- Game Action + 5 downloads


Portrait Photo Package $49.99

- Individual Portrait session + 3 downloads


Team Photo $19.99

- Team photo download


Team Photos : Enduro will photograph every team on the field during the event.

Portraits : Attend our photo set during scheduled hours at the NLC HQ.

Game Action Photos: Enduro Photo will attempt to cover each team a minimum of 2 games.


Following the event, each individual preorder will be sent an email with unique download access and instructions. Your downloads will include access to any of the images from the event, including team, portrait, and action photos. 


Please note that Enduro Photo will attempt to cover each team a minimum of 2 games. While we will try to photograph as many athletes as possible, we cannot guarantee a certain number of images of any one player.

No refunds will be given on registration pre-orders. Refundable packages will be available on-site, and all images can also be purchased individually.


Any inquiries or questions please contact us at info@endurophoto.com